Sunday, August 23, 2015

update 8.23.15

Information on dividing irises here.

Beans are sprouting well.  We've had lots of rain but they didn't drown.  Something is eating them but they look as though they'll struggle along and be ok, but I'll keep an eye on them.

Okra is producing and I need to gather it every day or it gets woody.

Some of the sweet potato leaves are dying back and I'm not sure what that's about - I'm nowhere near ready to harvest them, but I'd better look at that.

The watermelon are doing fine and I am sure hoping that they produce.

I am solarizing spots in my yard to kill off the weeds and I'll work in aged horse manure and mulch (newspaper and pine needs).  It's still too hot for me to want to work outside in the heat of the day, and school has started and I'm getting busy, but bit by bit I'll stay on top of the garden chores.  

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